Europa Press

Updated Saturday, April 6, 2024-16:32

  • Cerro Muriano The audios of the death of two soldiers: "Everyone was aware that the exercise was impossible"

Luis Romero, the lawyer for the family of soldier

Carlos León Rico,

a native of

El Viso del Alcor



) and who died last December along with Corporal Miguel Ángel Jiménez Andújar during maneuvers at the base of the Guzmán el Bueno Brigade X from Cerro Muriano, in Córdoba, has warned that he is suffering "intolerable pressure and intimidation" from the Military Jurisdiction, which is investigating these deaths.

In a statement, after Captain Zúñiga, Lieutenant Tato and Sergeant Estupiñán recently appeared as investigated before the Military Court number 21 of Seville; Lawyer Luis Romero, who represents the family of the deceased soldier Carlos León Rico, states that the Military Jurisdiction would be acting in this way

"under pressure in turn from its bosses

and the military-lawyers of the defense."

According to the lawyer, he has received notices about a possible "

opening of a disciplinary file

due to disclosure of the summary to the press" and about the possible imposition of summary secrecy in the proceedings. "After 33 years of practicing law and more than 10,000 cases handled in my firm, this is the first time that a court has warned me and intimidated me for informing the press," says the lawyer.

However, after the press conferences, statements and public interventions carried out around this case, the lawyer has assured that he will continue to "punctually inform the media about this procedure, not only as a lawyer for the prosecution, but as a spokesperson for the parents of the late soldier Carlos León".