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Bavarian payment card for refugees

Photo: Michael Bihlmayer / IMAGO

The traffic light parties have agreed on a common legal basis for a payment card for refugees. This will “implement the wishes of the states,” said the government factions of the SPD, Greens and FDP in a joint statement. The draft states that the payment card represents a suitable means of preventing money payments to smugglers, for example. The Greens had previously had concerns about detailed questions about the project.

“We stand by our word and implement the MPK decision,” said the deputy parliamentary group leader of the SPD Dagmar Schmidt in the statement. »Payment cards were already possible before, but we have now created a common, legally secure framework. This ensures that all necessary needs can be met freely on site - with a card or as a cash payment," she added. However, transfers abroad are not possible.

Andreas Audretsch, deputy leader of the Green Party, explained: “We have clearly enshrined in law that the subsistence level and the participation of people are guaranteed. Children who live permanently in Germany in particular must have the opportunity to integrate into our society. The legal regulation now guarantees this.” The pocket money for the school trip, the bus ticket to get to the training place, the electricity or internet connection – all of this must be guaranteed on site when payment cards are introduced.

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