In response to problems surrounding the political funding parties of factions within the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komeito Party amended the Political Funds Regulation Act to include the introduction of a ``coalition system'' that would make Diet members responsible in the event of false entries in income and expenditure reports. We have compiled a draft outline for the.

The Komeito Party's draft guidelines call for the submission of documents showing that Diet members have confirmed the income and expenditure report, and calls for the introduction of a ``co-correspondence system'' in which Diet members will also be held responsible if false statements are made. .

In addition, the purchase amount for party tickets, which must include names and other information on income and expenditure reports, will be reduced from the current ``over 200,000 yen'' to ``over 50,000 yen.''

Regarding the ``policy activity expenses'' paid by political parties to members of the Diet, the law requires the members to submit a detailed statement of their usage to the political party, and have the political party submit an income and expenditure report to make it public.

Regarding the accounting treatment of political organizations held by members of the Diet, in light of the fact that some members have been criticized for ``transferring the collected money to political organizations with lax disclosure standards,'' the members of the Diet have requested that the annual It also includes raising disclosure standards for political organizations that receive donations above a certain level.

The Komeito Party plans to compile an outline based on this proposal and aim to revise the law during the current Diet session.