
Updated Thursday, April 4, 2024-13:01

During the next few hours, the entry of

southern winds

together with

warmer air masses,

accompanied by


, will lead to a marked

rise in thermometers

with very spring-like values, which will rise to 25-30 degrees in large areas of Spain, especially from the south and east.

Starting tomorrow,

a general rise in maximum temperatures is expected,

according to data from the Meteorological Agency (


), which states that, in general, temperatures will be between 5 and 10 degrees above normal for this time of year.

This Thursday,

the maximums will increase "sharply"

in the interior of the peninsula and in areas of the Mediterranean, which will favor provincial capitals such as Valencia, Seville, Murcia, Logroño, Bilbao, Girona, Badajoz, Córdoba, Granada, San Sebastián , Jaén, Zaragoza and Oviedo, the values ​​range between 24 and 29 degrees.

In central cities,




will register around 20 and 22 degrees respectively.

For tomorrow,

temperatures will increase

"almost generally" and thus, cities such as Badajoz, Jaén, Murcia or Seville will rise to 29-30 degrees; In Bilbao, Córdoba, Girona, Granada, Lleida, Logroño, Toledo and Zaragoza, thermometers will reach 27-28 degrees.

This day,

high temperatures

may be accompanied by suspended dust, which will give rise to haze.

For Saturday, a temperature drop is expected in the west of the Peninsula, but in the rest of the country the values ​​will continue to rise further and in the Balearic Islands, for example, they could be around 28-30 degrees and again up to 30 degrees. or perhaps something else, in parts of the eastern Cantabrian Sea, the Ebro and Guadalquivir valleys.

In this way, Zaragoza will register the highest value on the Peninsula with 32 degrees, followed by Almería, Córdoba, Jaén, Lleida and Toledo with 30 degrees.

On Sunday, however, with the passage of a cold front, a sharp drop in temperature is expected that will cause temperatures to drop between 5 and 10 degrees in some capitals. In Madrid the maximum that day will be around 21 degrees, almost 6-7 degrees less than Saturday, as in many other capitals.