Gauthier Delomez 2:44 p.m., April 4, 2024

Childcare assistant Sonia Krief was the guest on the show “Pascal Praud et vous” on Thursday. The author of the book “I welcome my postpartum” spoke about depression after childbirth, which affects 25% of women, but also one in ten men. Listen to the excerpt again. You can react at

Postpartum depression refers to the unhappiness felt by parents shortly after the birth of the baby. This disorder is mentioned by Sonia Krief, childcare assistant, in her book 

I welcome my postpartum

published in 2024. Guest on the show

Pascal Praud et vous

, she notes that 25% of women are affected, but also a man on ten.


- Postpartum depression: a pill to help affected women soon on the market

One last statistic explained by Sonia Krief: "Men are experiencing the same upheaval as women. It's going to be complicated, it's a recomposition of the family, fatigue, lack of sleep... We're hanging on also with his darling because it’s going to be complicated times.”