The more managers encourage new ideas, the more employees will belong to work (Pixels)

There is no doubt that difference is natural and may even be healthy in many cases. But what about disagreeing with your boss? Is it within the scope of normal and healthy differences as well?

Experts say that learning how to express your views and ideas that conflict with what your boss sees is essential in establishing your professional credibility and honing your leadership skills.

If you aspire to advance in your career, you must learn how to overcome your fear of confrontations, and at the same time speak tactfully with your boss to prove your point of view.

Difference in the work environment is healthy and positive provided it is managed well (Pixels)

The skill of expressing differences of opinion

Business administration, personal and professional development coach, Mohamed Tamli, tells Al Jazeera Net, “Expressing differences of opinion tactfully has today become an important skill for every employee who seeks professional excellence.”

According to Tamli, there are 4 practical methods that can be followed when you want to express your opinion that differs from your manager:

  • Start with sincere professional courtesy, express your appreciation for the manager's opinion before presenting your point of view, emphasize that you are always learning from him, and strongly express your respect for him.

  • Understand more why your manager made this decision, or took this action that disagreed with your opinion. Your opinion may change when your picture is complete and you agree with your manager's point of view. Try not to appear rushed or inexperienced.

  • Present your opinion in the form of a proposal, do not criticize the opinions of others, and provide alternative solutions with evidence indicating that your opinion may be very likely to be correct, while providing practical examples from your experience.

  • Thank your manager for his trust in you if he decides to adopt your opinion, and if he does not adopt it, thank him also for the opportunity to express it.

Muhammad Tamli: Difference in viewpoints is a positive situation at work, especially when adopting a participatory management style (Al Jazeera)

The skill of managing difficult dialogues

For her part, life skills trainer Jane Salaita tells Al Jazeera Net that managing difficult dialogues with the boss at work or with friends or even family is one of the most important life skills that must be learned. “It requires courage to confront and show the hidden feelings in the subconscious until they are purified.” .

She continues, "The skill of managing difficult dialogues opens a space within you to understand the human feelings of others, and at the same time gives you the freedom to express your opinions with tact and elegance, and in this way relationships, work conditions, and productivity develop and improve. This matter requires leaving the comfort zone and breaking the fear of confrontation and rejection, in addition to... Practice and repeat.”

Jane Salaita: Managing difficult dialogues with the boss at work is one of the most important life skills that must be learned (Al Jazeera)

Key steps for managing a difficult dialogue

To manage a difficult dialogue with your manager at work, it is recommended to follow some steps, the most prominent of which are:

  • Open a reception space with your manager, and try to prepare him psychologically to start the dialogue.

  • Express your feelings and point of view without blaming or blaming, and without playing the role of the victim.

  • Listen to the manager's opinion. Tell him that you would like to hear his comment on the topic under discussion, in order to give him space to express and analyze matters.

  • Strive to solve problems jointly, after clarifying and discussing them and revealing all their aspects and implications.

Most people avoid difficult conversations and prefer to suppress their negative opinions and feelings (Pixels)

Your point of view is important!

The "My Careful Future" website published several tips explaining why you should talk to your manager about your point of view at work, including:

  • Build confidence:

    Challenging your boss's ideas requires some confidence, so the more you talk, the more comfortable you'll feel.

  • Earn Respect:

    It takes courage to go against your direct boss, but speaking up about the right ideas and viewpoints for the right reasons will earn you respect at work.

  • Your boss will remember you:

    Providing a different opinion or valuable idea to your boss will earn you extra points and undoubtedly leave an unforgettable impression.

  • Step out of your comfort zone:

    You can only grow when you accept challenges and face scary situations and scenarios. If the idea of ​​disagreeing with your boss scares you, it means it's time to get out of your comfort zone!

If the idea of ​​disagreeing with your boss scares you, it means it's time to get out of your comfort zone (pixels).

How does the manager act?

On the other hand, if you want to be a successful manager, business management, personal and professional development coach Mohamed Tamli advises that you must believe that difference of opinion is normal when one of your employees disagrees with you, “and that you respect the employee’s point of view, even if he does not agree with you, and appreciate his courage in expression.” .

Tamli also confirms that difference in the work environment is healthy “provided that it is managed well, especially when the company adopts a participatory management style with its work team, and mutual professional and personal respect prevails between employees and managers. The more managers encourage their subordinate employees to put forward new ideas and share their opinions about... “Their affiliation and loyalty to work increased.”

He explains, "When an employee feels that his opinion is respected and his voice is heard, he will automatically turn into a success partner and not just an implementer. He will bear responsibility and strive to work with high quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Whenever there are differences in opinions within the scope of work, many ideas will emerge that will further help in making decisions." ".

Source: Al Jazeera + websites