In addition, as the media holding Rambler&Co found out, the second most popular (31%) are night owls, who go to bed late and wake up late.

And finally, 27% consider themselves to be “pigeons” and can adapt to different sleep and wake patterns, experts explained.

“More than a third of respondents (36%) noted that their chronotype, for various reasons, changed throughout their lives, moreover, towards an earlier rise. For 31%, their sleep patterns remained the same. 19% of early risers reported becoming night owls as they got older. The chronotype of 14% of respondents changed several times and in different directions,” the survey results emphasize.

It is noted that among the main factors influencing sleep and wakefulness, more than half of respondents (58%) name social circumstances, such as work schedule, lifestyle and nutrition.

Survey participants also named the most convenient work schedule for them: the majority like to work from eight or nine in the morning (64%) to 17 in the evening (66%).

In total, more than 18 thousand Internet users took part in the survey.

Previously, neurologist Maxim Pankov told RT in a conversation which sleeping positions should be chosen depending on various diseases.