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Video duration 05 minutes 31 seconds 05:31

Gaza -

In the industrial college room in Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital, they are lying, amidst the lack of treatment facilities, and in a voice filled with fatigue, the patient, Ahmed Abu Jazar, said, “The doctor is in pain with us. We are very tired, and by God, we are tired. The doctors have nothing in their hands to give us.”

As for the patient with kidney failure, Iman Abu Tabaneh, she did not leave any way to search for a way to travel to get out. She and her husband, who is also sick with kidney failure, but her attempts failed. She says, “I suffer from extreme fatigue due to the lack of hours and days of washing, which has become two hours every 3 days, and this is not enough.” Because toxins leave the body, and thus affect my health.” She appealed to the responsible authorities to leave Gaza, due to the lack of clean and healthy water, the spread of malnutrition, and the lack of food and fruits.

Dr. Iyad Abu Al-Tayur said, “The medical sector is suffering from a real deficit for kidney patients, as all the sector’s kidney patients gathered in Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital, which is basically not qualified to receive these numbers. In normal days before the war, less than 100 people would come to the hospital.” He suffers from kidney failure, but today there are between 400 and 500 cases daily.”

Abu Al-Tuyour added, “There is a shortage of equipment used for dialysis, which has caused us to lose one or more kidney failure patients every day.” He pointed out the lack of necessary types of medicine for kidney failure patients, the most important of which are iron and calcium pills, “and if they remain unavailable, we will lose All our patients.

The doctor stated that “bad diet is one of the reasons for the worsening health condition of patients, as the majority of the population depends on canned food, which leads to increased kidney function and the accumulation of toxins, which is reflected in the patient’s health.”

The Ministry of Health announced that the death toll of kidney patients in the Gaza Strip since the start of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, since October 7, has risen to 20 patients.

Source: Al Jazeera