Inés Zeghloul (special correspondent in Chablis)/Photo credits: ARNAUD FINISTRE / AFP 8:39 a.m., April 3, 2024, modified at 8:39 a.m., April 3, 2024

In Chablis, in Yonne, the flood peak was reached during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. The flood wave continues to spread and residents are distraught in the face of this second rise in water levels in the space of three weeks.

The peaks were reached during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in Tonnerre and Chablis, the two communes of Yonne most affected by the floods, but the flood wave continues to propagate further downstream. Residents are experiencing their second flood in three weeks and are showing their weariness.

Edwige, one of the victims of the flood, takes stock of the damage. Its boiler and water heater are now floundering in several centimeters of water. “There is no more heating and hot water, it’s ruined,” she comments on Europe 1.


“We raise everything we can”: in the Yonne, flood peaks expected in the evening

“It’s tiring, tiring, stressful”

In Edwige's house, parents, children and grandparents fight against the rising water. "We evacuate but it comes up from below. As long as the flood doesn't reach the top, it's endless. I know I'm fighting for nothing at all. It was already like that two weeks ago . There, we start again,” explains Edwige.

“It’s tiring, tiring, stressful, it’s whatever you want,” she continues. The firefighters can't do anything to help the Chablisienne: "We're in a rising phase, we can't do much," one of them explains to her.


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"They can't do anything. They can then remove the water (when the river level drops, editor's note). If we have to leave, we will leave but I don't want to," explains She. And yet we must leave. The family will sleep elsewhere until the river returns to its bed.