Jean-Baptiste Marty / Photo credits: OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE / AFP 6:53 a.m., April 3, 2024

Towards generalized impunity inside prisons? The Chancellery is preparing a decree to put in place alternatives to prosecution for the majority of offenses committed in prison.

Trafficking in drugs, cell phones or even death threats... No more exemplary sanctions in prisons for these offenses, make way for educational measures. The Chancellery is preparing a decree to put in place alternatives to prosecution for the majority of offenses committed in prison.

This results in "a deprivation of certain activities such as sport, writing letters of apology or being deprived of television", explains Frédéric Bescon, of the prison guards' union. But according to the union member, beyond the laxity of the measure, according to him it is an absurd text.

“How do you want this to work?”

“How do you expect it to work from the moment there are three of them in a cell, we are not going to remove the television for the three,” he asks at the microphone of Europe 1. A measure that is impossible to put in place in French prisons in agony with an overpopulation rate of 125% and destitute prison guards.


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While at the same time, Gérald Darmanin is selling "XXL net space" operations outside prisons. A security “at-the-same-time” that the French no longer understand. The oppositions have found a new argument to denounce the government's laxity.