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Cooking oils are considered one of the essential elements in the kitchen, as they add a delicious taste to many dishes, and they also help in cooking and frying food. But knowing which oil is best for your health and your recipe can be a big challenge, with so many of them on the shelves, so how do we know which ones are the best? Which ones should be avoided?

How to choose the best cooking oils depends on several different factors. Peri Halperin, Clinical Nutrition Coordinator at Mount Sinai Health System, and Angie Ash, Sports Nutritionist at Center, shared all the information about this key ingredient in a report published by Vogue.

Halperin explained that the best types of oils are those that contain the largest amount of unsaturated fats and also have the highest smoke point.

Trans fats

Natural fats are divided into two parts, which are saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats increase the risk of heart, arterial and brain diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, doctors advise that our daily consumption of this type should not exceed 6% of the total calories we obtain.

This type of fat is found in animal products, such as red meat, and milk derivatives such as cheese, along with whole milk, dark chocolate, butter, fish, and egg yolks. Some vegetable oils, such as palm and coconut oil, are rich in saturated fats.

As for unsaturated fats, they are good fats, and they are those that should be consumed as much as possible, considering that they are beneficial for reducing harmful cholesterol levels. It also avoids the risk of heart and arterial diseases. This type of fat is divided into two parts: monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, according to their chemical composition.

Among the foods rich in the first type, olive oil and canola oil stand out, without forgetting avocados and nuts. As for the second type, it is found especially in sunflower oil, corn oil, and soybean oil.

Smoking point

The smoke point of an oil, also called the combustion point, is the temperature at which the oil begins to emit smoke. When the smoking temperature is reached, the oil begins to oxidize as it decomposes and begins to release harmful compounds that contribute to disease. After this point, the oil takes on a distinctive odor and burning flavor due to the formation of a substance called acrolein, which has a foul flavor and can be dangerous to your lungs.

The best types of oils

There are three oils that are considered among the best oils for cooking: olive oil, avocado oil, and sesame oil, for several reasons:

olive oil

Halperin stated that she prefers to use olive oil for cooking because it has a high smoking point of 177 Celsius, which is an appropriate temperature for preparing most meals. Olive oil is one of the best oils for a healthy body because it is rich in antioxidants such as phenols and vitamin E. In addition to containing oleic fatty acid, which contributes to the prevention of cancer and infections.

Studies indicate that oleic acid reduces inflammation and may have beneficial effects on genes associated with cancer, according to a Health Line report.

Avocado oil

Avocado oil is one of the oils that can withstand high temperatures. It has a smoking point of 271 Celsius and is also characterized by its many health benefits. It contains oleic acid, which may contribute to the prevention of metabolic syndrome and lower cholesterol levels, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, according to studies. Avocado oil is also rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, and monounsaturated fats.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil has a medium to high smoking point of 210 Celsius and is one of the oils rich in antioxidants. Halperin explained that these antioxidants, such as sesamol and sesaminol, provide neuroprotective benefits and help stabilize blood sugar.

Cold oils

There are a lot of factors that contribute to making an oil unsuitable and unhealthy for cooking. The most prominent of these factors is the low smoking point. If the smoking point decreases, it is difficult to use this oil for cooking at high temperatures.

Halperin recommends using flaxseed oil and nut oils such as walnut oil in cold foods and in salads because they have a low smoking point of 103 Celsius.

Halperin said that oils that cannot be heated are meant to be consumed cold, such as fish oil, which is often used as a nutritional supplement to obtain omega-3 fatty acids. It also says that these oils should never be used in cooking or any hot preparations.

The amount of oil used and its relationship to weight

The amount of oil you use can help you control your weight. Ash stated that oil is very rich in calories (one tablespoon contains 120 calories), so if you are aiming to maintain weight or are on a weight loss journey, you will need to control the amount of oil you use in your dishes. If you're looking to gain weight, you can add oil to increase your calorie count, such as drizzling an extra tablespoon of oil over steamed broccoli.

If you're looking to reduce your calorie intake, you can use cooking sprays, Ash said.

Source: Al Jazeera + websites