Pablo R. Roces Madrid


Updated Tuesday, April 2, 2024-09:24

Workers at the Employment Offices of the Community of Madrid will have

a new salary supplement for productivity

. This was announced yesterday by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, during her visit to the new Employment Office in Barrio del Pilar, who assured that they can receive this bonus up to two times a year if they meet the criteria that have been established. set by the regional government.

Specifically, according to sources from the Ministry of Economy and Finance consulted by EL MUNDO, this salary increase

will range between 1,600 and 4,400 euros per year

; An additional remuneration of up to 40% will always be applied to the destination complement, and will not focus only on the number of new registrations but will also evaluate the quality of the service. In the department directed by Rocío Albert, they detail that criteria will be applied from "the most basic care" to the "insertion into the labor market" of users through "their registration" or "their renewal" in the registry of these offices.

Within the regional government, at first, the option was raised for the bonus to be allocated to those workers who encouraged young people to enter the labor market. However, finally, when the measure was applied, which has already been in place for a few days, it has been extended to various objectives for all operators. At this time, as this newspaper has learned, the Ministry is also designing

a sampling system as a "quality control" to determine the payment of these incentives


This system will consist of a series of monthly telephone surveys with users who have attended an employment office to establish whether the assistance they have received is correct and thus determine whether the workers have met the quality objectives set by the regional government. to access the salary bonus beyond the quantitative ones. According to data from the Community of Madrid,

the regional network provides service to more than 7,000 users and that extra could reach 664 workers in the 42 offices


Ayuso assured yesterday that the regional government "places emphasis on the objective achieved" by the workers and is committed to "open policies that attract jobs, investors and companies." "

For us, respect for the company and also for the legal security that is being lost

and that does so much harm to people who want to find jobs here and abroad is fundamental," he stressed, referring to the "policies that really harm employment." of the Government of the Nation.

"We have seen it today, this means that the cost of contributions for the company grows at the highest rate in the last 24 years and that companies have less and less room to hire and more difficulties on the part of the state administration," said the regional president, who accused Moncloa of "hiding" a million unemployed as discontinued permanent workers. "We have to put the real data on the table, know how many unemployed people there are in Spain to make effective policies so that they can find that opportunity, not make up the numbers," concluded the

popular leader.