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Video duration 03 minutes 00 seconds 03:00

Bisan and Sherine are two Palestinian girls from the Gaza Strip who suffer from psychological trauma and difficulty speaking as a result of the harsh scenes they experienced as a result of the devastating Israeli war on the Palestinian Strip.

Alia, the mother of the two girls, says that the family comes from Tal al-Hawa (west of Gaza City) and that while she was with her husband and children in the Al-Aqsa University headquarters building, they were exposed to an Israeli bombing, which led to Shirin being injured, whose clothes were stained with blood, and she was afflicted with fear and panic.

Alia - who was speaking to Al Jazeera as part of the “Voices from Gaza” segment - continued that after Bisan saw her sister injured, she started screaming insanely, and she had a 90% speech problem.

With difficulty speaking, Bisan herself narrates to Al Jazeera the scenes she went through when her sister was injured. She says that she saw the war and pictures of the martyrs, and that because of that she finds it difficult to sleep, and every night she dreams that she has lost her speech.

As for Sherine, she suffered psychological shock and started laughing hysterically. She also refused to cut her hair, which had been burned due to the Israeli bombing, and told them that she had become ugly after losing her beautiful hair.

According to Doctors Without Borders, an entire generation of Gazan children has lost confidence in the world and in themselves, and they suffer from psychological trauma and a lack of security that can accompany them for life.

Children are the biggest victims of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, as they are exposed to bombing, hunger, and disease, in addition to the oppression they suffer after the martyrdom of their families and relatives.

Source: Al Jazeera