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Conflicts in the team

: Take countermeasures so that cooperation is not permanently damaged.

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Conflicts with know-it-all, passive-aggressive or overreaching superiors and employees unfortunately occur frequently at work - relationship problems are the main cause of tension in the workplace. In one study, 94 percent of respondents said they had worked with a toxic person in the past five years. And once a conflict has begun, negative loops develop that make it difficult to actively improve the situation.

That's completely normal, says Amy Gallo, editor of the Harvard Business Review: The complexity of interpersonal relationships is immense and no person is perfect. Based on her book "Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People)," she has developed seven strategies to help you find your way back to your better self.  

1. The perspective of the other

Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand their point of view. Also ask yourself where your views come from and whether the other perspective is equally plausible. This helps to broaden your own perspective and develop understanding for other points of view.

2. Your own prejudices

Every person has prejudices that influence thinking and perception. Be aware of this and critically question your own ideas. Also take time to consider your opinion of the other person.

3. Avoid black and white thinking

In conflict, one person often appears to be "good" and the other "bad." Break away from this pattern. Instead, focus on the dynamic between you and the other person. Instead of fighting, look for solutions.

4. Common goals

Identify common goals that you can work on together. Focus on them instead of the conflict. If you emphasize common interests and goals, the conflict fades into the background and cooperation can improve.

5. No chance for the radio

Gossip won't get you anywhere. Rather, strive for an open, constructive dialogue in which you express your point of view clearly and objectively, without accusing or attacking anyone. Find compromises and solutions that are acceptable to both parties.

more on the subject

Communication:How to Deal with Difficult CoworkersBy Amy Gallo

6. Try new things

There is no perfect strategy - so experiment! Think of two or three ways you would like to try. Decide in advance what you want to do and for how long - and wait and see what happens. If it doesn't work the first time, come up with something new. Sometimes it helps to do something that the other person doesn't expect.

7. Stay awake!

Certainty is the enemy of change. So forget your expectations – stay curious! And motivate yourself every now and then. Look into the future and ask yourself: What will be different when this conflict is overcome? How much better will my everyday work be?

Remember: the head is round so that thought can change direction. So you transform yourself from being part of the conflict to being part of the solution. It is worth it ..

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