Jean-Baptiste Marty 12:21 p.m., April 1, 2024

Two people, presenting themselves as "extraterrestrials", strolled through the streets of Paris aboard a Roman chariot in early March. Announced as "an artistic-militant-entrepreneurial spectacle", the authorities are however concerned about the message conveyed. According to information from Europe 1, the two people are getting closer to the Raelian movement, advocating a form of sexual liberation.

A stroll that appears fanciful at first glance. But who questions its purpose. According to information from Europe 1, two people, dressed in an alien suit, wandered through the streets of Paris twice at the beginning of March. An “artistic-militant-entrepreneurial” project, according to them, but which worries the authorities.

The initiative, entitled "Civic Guardian", and described as a show by the two people, recounts their arrival on Earth, in order to "help earthlings find themselves around the values ​​of civics, fraternity, benevolence, love and peace." For the Civic Guardian, the challenge is to arouse the curiosity of the young public, a priority of the movement, because they “constitute the future of society”.

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— Studio Kepler 37 (@studiokepler37) March 17, 2024

A reference to the Raelian movement?

But according to information from Europe 1, the police are worried about a completely different message behind this initiative. On social networks, the production company to which the two men would be attached, would repeatedly mention the name of the famous guru Raël. The latter, at the origin of the Raelian movement, had based his doctrine on an alleged contact with extraterrestrials.

According to the guru, they created life on Earth as well as the great religions. The movement also promotes "geniocracy" and advocates a certain form of sexual liberation as well as a practice called "sensual meditation". Concepts evoked during the stroll of the two “extraterrestrials” in the streets of Paris.

New actions to come

Taking advantage of current visibility thanks to a series currently broadcast on Netflix and which is enjoying great success, the two "extraterrestrials" and their movement have already announced new wanderings on social networks.

The authorities fear the support of adolescents and young adults, fascinated by the project. They do not exclude the organization of spontaneous actions in the streets of certain cities such as "flash mobs", bringing together hundreds of people and which could become uncontrollable like Projects youth.