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Video duration 05 minutes 27 seconds 05:27

The German health portal "" explained that the thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck, and secretes important substances for the body, known as thyroid hormones, and said that there are symptoms that may indicate thyroid cancer, including:

  • Hoarseness or voice changes that last for some time.

  • Difficulty reaching puberty.

  • Breathing problems.

  • Chronic cough without other signs of illness.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck area.

  • Neck pain that may extend to the ears.

The causes of thyroid cancer are not yet clear, but people who suffer from pre-existing diseases such as enlarged gland are more susceptible to cancer, in addition to genetic predisposition, and it is not yet clear why more women than men are affected by this type of cancer. cancer.

Thyroid cancer is usually treated through surgical intervention, where the doctor removes part of the thyroid gland, or removes it completely, and if there is suspicion of tumors appearing in the lymph nodes, they are also removed during the surgical procedure.

According to the results of the surgical procedure, treatment can be completed with radioactive iodine, by using a special type of internal radiation, where cancer cells absorb radioactive iodine, in addition to using new treatments such as targeted drugs in certain cases of thyroid cancer.

Source: German