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Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that develops in bones and soft tissues. What are its types and symptoms?

Soft tissue refers to fat, muscle, blood vessels, nerves, deep skin tissue, and fibrous tissue.

Bone sarcoma is more common in children while soft tissue sarcoma is more common in adults, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Types of sarcoma

Sarcoma is classified as soft tissue sarcoma or bone sarcoma, depending on where it appears in the body.

Soft tissue sarcoma

This type of sarcoma originates in the soft tissues of the body and is most commonly found in the arms, legs, chest, or abdomen. Soft tissue tumors can occur in children and adults.


Osteosarcomas are primary bone tumors, which means they begin and develop in the bones. It is most commonly diagnosed in children. In addition to osteosarcoma, the most common form of primary bone cancer, there are several other types of bone tumors.

Risk factors for sarcoma

Most cases of sarcoma have no known cause, although there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing sarcoma.

The most common risk factors for sarcoma include:

1- There is a history of radiotherapy

Patients who have received radiation therapy for previous cancers may be at greater risk of developing sarcoma.

2- Genetic disorders

Patients with a family history of inherited disorders, such as von Recklinghausen disease (neurofibromatosis), Gardner syndrome, Werner syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, nevus basal cell carcinoma syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome or retinoblastoma, are more likely to develop sarcoma.

3- Exposure to certain chemicals

Exposure to vinyl chloride monomer (a substance used to make some types of plastic), dioxin, or arsenic may increase the risk of developing sarcoma.

4- Swelling over a long period of time

Having lymphedema, or swelling in the arms or legs for a long time, may increase your risk of developing sarcoma.

Sarcoma symptoms

Symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma

  • Early signs of soft tissue sarcoma can include a painless lump or swelling.

  • Some cases of sarcoma may not cause any symptoms until they grow and press on nearby nerves, organs or muscles. Their growth may cause pain, a feeling of fullness, or breathing problems.

Symptoms of osteosarcoma

The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma include:

  • Pain and/or swelling in the arm, leg, torso, pelvis, or back. The swelling may be warm.

  • Decreased range of motion in the joint.

  • Fever of unknown cause.

  • Bone fractures occur for no apparent reason.

These symptoms can be signs of many other medical conditions. Seeing your doctor will give you the appropriate diagnosis.

Sarcoma treatment

Sarcoma is treated with a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. The surgical area is usually reconstructed at the same time as the tumor is removed.

Your specific treatment and recovery plan depends on a variety of factors, including the following:

  • Sarcoma type.

  • Tumor location.

  • Its size.

  • Patient's age.

  • Whether the cancer is new, recurrent (the person was cured and then it came back), or metastatic (it moved from another place in the body).

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies