Europe 1 / Photo credits: CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP 7:10 p.m., March 31, 2024

For the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, which will be broadcast around the world this summer, the rights holders of the singer Édith Piaf were contacted to be able to use the famous song of La Môme, "The Hymn to love.” It is Aya Nakamura who is approached to interpret it.

The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on the Seine is taking shape, and famous music should resonate on televisions around the world. The rights holders of Édith Piaf were indeed approached to authorize the free performance of the famous song by La Môme,

L'Hymn to Love

(1950), reports 

Le Parisien

. It is also the singer Aya Nakamura who is approached to perform it, despite the opposition of certain political leaders.


- Olympic organizers “shocked by racist attacks” targeting Aya Nakamura

Songs “used for free” during the Olympics

The heirs of Édith Piaf, Catherine Glavas and her sister Christie Laume, were contacted in mid-March by Raoul-Breton editions, which “manage the rights to this song” co-written by the Môme, explains the first. These editions asked her to authorize free use of this title during the opening ceremony of the Games "with a new orchestration and a singer", and Catherine Glavas "obviously accepted", she tells our colleagues .

For the moment,

The Hymn to Love

is the only title which has been the subject of an official request for use. Nevertheless, continues

Le Parisien

, another publishing house, Beuscher, was approached by the event's organizing committee to possibly borrow

La vie en rose

. In all cases, the two heiresses claim to have “given (their) agreement for the songs to be used free of charge within the framework of the Olympics”. It should be remembered that La Môme's titles are still very popular around the world today.