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Sports coach Muhammad Al-Kabeer said that fasting leads to weight loss and the percentage of body fat, which is a positive thing for athletes who seek to improve athletic performance and physical fitness. It can also help improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure, which improves General health of athletes.

Al-Kabeer added - in a statement to Qatar News Agency - that the types of sports that must be practiced vary from one individual to another depending on the ability of the individuals and the strength of the training, but the best ones in general during the month of Ramadan are moderate-intensity exercises such as strengthening, using medium weights, and resistance training, so that the individual does not get very thirsty.

He believed that fasting may not be compatible with strenuous exercises that require a high level of intensity, especially since when an individual gives up food and drink for long periods, he suffers from a deficiency in protein, which is the main protector of the immune system, and therefore doing strenuous exercises stresses the immune system and prevents the regeneration process. This may lead to some health problems.

But he stresses that this does not mean completely abandoning exercise, which requires great physical effort during the month of Ramadan, but rather choosing the appropriate time to practice it, as this type of high physical training can be practiced about three hours after breakfast, and walking and running can be practiced. Before breakfast.

Degree of effect of fasting

In general, the degree of the effect of fasting on athletes varies according to the type of sport, the duration of fasting, and the intensity of the exercises they perform. Some athletes may feel exhausted and tired easily, and their ability to continue is reduced, while others may be affected to a lesser extent.

Doctors and nutritionists agreed on the importance of exercising throughout the year and not abandoning it for any reason, in order to maintain the efficiency of vital systems and prevent various diseases associated with modern life, as well as maintaining a healthy state of health and psychological and physical balance.

Experts enumerate the benefits of exercise in burning body fat, producing energy through activity and movement, stimulating metabolism by increasing the efficiency of liver work, and increasing the efficiency of the muscular system by getting rid of grease and maintaining weight.

Specialists and sports experts agree that the best time to exercise during the holy month of Ramadan is in two periods, either one to two hours before breakfast, or three or four hours after breakfast.

They stressed that fasting can be an opportunity for athletes to focus on spiritual and mental training, as it can help improve self-discipline, patience, and mental endurance, which reflects positively on athletic performance.

Exercising properly during the month of Ramadan has many health benefits, as it works to enhance the safety of the motor system, strengthen the immune system, the body’s ability to resist many diseases, and strengthen the heart and lung muscles.

Source: Qatar News Agency (QNA)