Fernando Lazaro Madrid


Updated Saturday, March 30, 2024-08:53

  • Courts Judicial slam on López Madrid's maneuver to discredit Dr. Elisa Pinto

More than two decades ago, in a central police station in


, the thunderstorm opened. A complaint was filed that not only shook one of the fashionable businessmen of the moment and one of the most obscure and representative commissioners of the Police. The case revealed important gaps in the system, both police and judicial, and created very uncomfortable situations even in the

Royal Family.

Since December 2013.

One of the most prestigious dermatologists in Spain, Elisa Pinto, went to the


police station in


- through whose consultation top-level figures from the political, judicial and artistic world pass - and filed a complaint because she was receiving threats, both she and like his children. The police received her papers as another complaint. They did not suspect that this woman was going to be stabbed twice, one of them in the presence of one of her 9-year-old sons; that her complaint was going to involve the businessman

Javier López Madrid

, married to a daughter of the former minister and businessman

Juan Miguel Villar Mir

; that her complaint would expose the guts of the way the


's plumbers operate ; that her complaint was going to put in the dock the commissioner who since the last century had managed - always with political support - the most high-profile actions of State


; that her complaint was going to reveal the friendship between the

Kings of Spain

and this businessman.

The path since then has not exactly been rosy for the complainant. It did not take long for

López Madrid

's name to emerge in the investigations

as the suspect in the threats. And to counterattack, the accused filed another complaint against Dr.

Elisa Pinto

, accusing her of being the one who was threatening him.

Two crossed complaints that have turned both instructions into a tortuous path full of thorns in which prominent representatives of the State structures have collaborated in an attempt to discredit and discredit the doctor.


identified Commissioner

José Manuel Villarejo

as the author of these attacks.

The maneuvers were such that even the investigators' police documents stated that the doctor's complaints were false, that no stabbing had occurred and that, according to a behavioral study, the dermatologist was not of sound mind. But the tenacity of the doctor's lawyer,

Ana Blanco

, showed the falsehood of the reports.

The Provincial Court of Madrid, in two different rooms, confirmed the serious deficiencies in police actions, errors and falsehoods. Some of the magistrates even pointed out the possibility of deducing testimony against the head of the investigation, Commissioner

Alberto Carba

, who had frequent telephone contact with the person under investigation,

López Madrid.

An attempt was made to discredit the doctor by saying that she had used one of her children to create threatening anonymous letters against

López Madrid,

and it was indicated that the dermatologist was making threatening calls to the businessman's entourage from a mobile phone near his home in


, when It was shown that, on the contrary, he was in the Dominican Republic.

«What it was about was not only to discredit his complaint in court, but to completely destroy his life. It was the businessman's revenge, going against her by land, sea and air. "The civil murder of him was sought," they point out from the ranks close to the doctor. The harassment campaign against


was fierce: "We are going to poke your children", "we are going to kill you", "you are a whore... You are going to pay dearly for making the list", "you know that the end of everything this will mean that we kill you, this can only end up ending you", "you are a crazy whore who has thought that you are going to get your way", "are your children safe?", "we are going to kill you, have you spoken too much, since you don't know how to shut up on your own, we'll shut you up", "you're going to die, bitch, your children are going to die, you crazy suicidal whore, come down to mass so we can see you"...

Now, as EL MUNDO reported, the

Provincial Court of Madrid

has put an end to the dermatologist's judicial ordeal and has definitively slammed the door on the judicial proceedings against her. And there is only one case left, the one that began its complaint in December 2013 and that will put the businessman and the commissioner in the dock. The Prosecutor's Office requests 13 years and two months in prison for both of them for attacking and harassing Dr.


"It is surprising how neither the Justice nor the Police itself have opened an internal investigation to clarify the behavior of all the police officers in the case," say sources familiar with the case. "Where has it been seen that the person in charge of investigating a suspect has frequent contact with the person under investigation?"

López Madrid

had to hand over his phone to verify the threats and, as the judges now confirm, he was very surprised by the number of messages and calls that he had deleted before handing it over. But even so, communication was confirmed with operational commissioners then in the Judicial Police and with those in charge of the investigations. But in addition - some suspect that he did not want to delete that part - messages from

López Madrid


Kings Felipe and Letizia

were recovered

, the famous conversation of the buddy-yogi revealed by eldiario.es.

Justice confirmed in this regard that «Villarejo introduced López Madrid to Commissioner Enrique García Castaño, who is known in the General Information Commissioner's Office as El Gordo, José Manuel Villarejo's right-hand man. And he talks about a chief inspector - already a commissioner -, Alberto Carba, investigator of the complaint against Elisa Pinto filed by Javier López Madrid. «López Madrid had a close relationship with Alberto Carba. "This agent sent several emails to Javier López Madrid informing him of the status of the investigation and receiving instructions."

As the magistrates explain, the businessman hired the commissioner to "harass" the doctor. And the commissioner used all the supports that he had available to him in the police, judicial and media fields to carry out "his" work.