Europe 1 with AFP 10:28 a.m., March 28, 2024

The National Assembly approved Thursday a proposed resolution which "condemns the bloody and murderous repression of Algerians committed under the authority of the prefect of police Maurice Papon on October 17, 1961", during which between thirty and more than 200 demonstrators peaceful people died, according to historians.

The National Assembly approved Thursday a proposed resolution which "condemns the bloody and murderous repression of Algerians committed under the authority of the prefect of police Maurice Papon on October 17, 1961", during which between thirty and more than 200 demonstrators peaceful people died, according to historians.

Sixty-seven deputies voted for and 11 against, from the ranks of the National Rally. The text also "wishes" for "the inclusion of a day of commemoration (of this) massacre" in the "agenda of national days and official ceremonies".

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