Pablo R. Roces Madrid


Updated Thursday, March 28, 2024-00:02

The citizen services of the Community of Madrid have responded

to more than 400,000 calls in the first quarter of 2024 alone

, with telephone number 012 being one of the main recipients. Among the queries made, those related to transportation account for almost one in four (24%), followed by those related to social issues (17%) and housing (14%).

Precisely in this second group, in that of social issues, line 012 Women

falls into place ,

focused on caring for citizens who are victims of violence and also their families and friends.

In the months of January and February

alone, it has already registered 1,200 calls

that have been answered by psychologists specialized in this matter.

Throughout 2023, these calls grew by 80%

compared to the previous year. If in 2022 communications amounted to 5,000, in the course that has just closed they shot up to 9,000.

Within the 012 service, the Community of Madrid also has a part specialized in addressing issues related to unwanted loneliness, which primarily affects older people in the region.

This line was launched in 2022 under the name

At your side

and has already responded to 20,914 queries.

The list of telephones for citizen service is completed by the one that the regional government opened as part of the birth plan presented in the last legislature by the president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, with the intention that future mothers can have all the information regarding the aid and resources available to them in the Community of Madrid. A line that is available 24 hours and 365 days a year and where there is the option for these women to have psychological and medical assistance if they require it. Since its launch in February 2023, just over a year ago, its professionals have answered more than 14,000 calls.

During the last year, the regional government also developed mobile citizen service offices that traveled through the municipalities with between 1,400 and 20,000 inhabitants that make up the region, a total of 93. Until the end of February, the latest data collected by the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Local Administration,

these resources had served 6,752 people,

with social issues as the main issue (36%), tripling the second, housing (12%).

Now the department headed by Miguel Ángel García is already working on the incorporation of two new mobile offices that, in this case, will visit the smaller towns in the Community. The counselor himself highlights that the regional government has carried out "different actions in recent years to improve these services." «

Technology is being incorporated and processes improved to achieve greater efficiency and quality

in the service so that the Community of Madrid continues to be an agile, close and accessible Administration.»

Within these technical innovations, the regional government created new channels in December 2022 so that citizens could contact the autonomous administration

through WhatsApp, video call or even with a personalized attention channel

, which were added to those already were operational: telephone lines, email and Twitter. Now all of them have been integrated into an app for personalized consultations through the web portal of the Community of Madrid.

In these 15 months of service,

the WhatsApp channel has received 57,000 messages that have been responded to by the Community of Madrid

; Video calls, the least used channel, have reached 300, and personalized queries have risen to 120,000 - 30,000 have reached the Administration through the application's information form and almost 90,000 have done so by email. .