The situation was complicated by the fact that Alexandra did not understand where to go: there were already terrorists in the hall. At the same time, they entered through the external exits, from where there was a chance to get out.

“There was no information how many there were. Maybe they'll start coming in from all floors now. This was unknown,” the interlocutor noted.

Immediately after the shooting started, Alexandra wrote to her mother: “Mom, the shooting started, I don’t know what will happen, I love you all very much.” As a result, she and another 30-40 spectators managed to get out before the fire.

The girl noted that when SHAMAN performed at Crocus, there was increased security and instructions were given: “We were warned about a possible evacuation, so they told us to send people to the Expo.”

Earlier, RT spoke with a man who was in the concert hall in a blue jacket during the terrorist attack at Crocus. There was information circulating online that he was allegedly an FSB officer who detained terrorists.