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Video duration 03 minutes 22 seconds 03:22

Gaza -

“We are watching idly, and we have nothing to do with it.” Thus, Amani Abu Hatab - in her conversation with Al Jazeera Net - expressed her feelings about the spread of epidemic diseases among the camps for the displaced in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

As for Naima Shahbir, she talks about her experience with diseases and infections in her camp, west of the city of Rafah, and says, “Three of my grandchildren were infected with hepatitis, and there are no hospitals or food. This disease requires food, and due to malnutrition and lack of treatment and prevention, the infection spread to 11 people with me in the tent, including me.” .

Alia Muhammad explains her suffering, saying, "Among the suffering during the war is the spread of hepatitis due to lack of food among children. There is no eating or drinking, and this has led to the children turning pale."

She continues by saying, "Treating infectious diseases among my family members and the displaced requires honey, which is not available. If it is available, it is very expensive and we cannot buy it. There are no fruits or healthy sources of nutrition that help children and adults overcome these diseases."

Regarding the symptoms of the disease, Alia said, “We suffered from high body temperature and emaciation. The children were unable to get out of bed. I wish there was a mattress and mattress for them to sleep on. There are even blankets that we spread on the floor and sleep on. This is because of the war.”

Director of the Kuwaiti Hospital, Dr. Jamal Al-Hams, told Al-Jazeera Net, "We are talking about huge numbers of those displaced from all areas of the Gaza Strip, and their situation is concentrated in the city of Rafah, in very difficult living, health, and climatic conditions."

He added, "There is no protection for them from viruses and epidemic diseases, and there is no sufficient food or nutrition for this population. Even the aid that comes in the form of preserved canned food does not meet the real health needs to complete metabolism."

He explained that infectious diseases come about due to crowding and overcrowding of people, “as we used to receive 100 patients a day in this small and simple hospital. Today we are talking about receiving a thousand and more patients with infectious diseases during a single day, not to mention our receiving many injuries as a result of the ongoing war on Gaza.”

He added that they receive daily people suffering from hepatitis and jaundice, both adults and children, adding, "We cannot prevent the spread of this disease, nor can we prevent it due to the weak capabilities of medical personnel due to the lack of doctors or medicine."

Al-Hams demanded that the displaced people return to their homes and that the crossings be opened to bring in the necessary and sufficient medicine, “otherwise we will reach things with undesirable consequences.”

The World Health Organization warned of the dangers of the spread of epidemics in the Gaza Strip, in light of the deterioration of the health system.

Source: Al Jazeera