Gaza and the atrocities of the Israeli army.. Victims tell their experiences

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Naked Palestinian detainees in Beit Lahia (Reuters - Archive)

An Israeli journalist published video clips on social media platforms on December 7 showing Palestinians tied up, blindfolded and naked except to cover their private parts, under the surveillance of heavily armed Israeli soldiers in the deserted streets of Beit Lahia.

The sight of these men who were snatched by Israeli soldiers from their families inside the schools in which they took refuge in the northern Gaza Strip was shocking, because it revealed an unknown picture of the violations inflicted on civilians by the Israeli army in the wake of its ground attack, which began 3 weeks after the government of Benjamin Netanyahu declared a state of war.

The publication of these insulting clips was accompanied by similar pictures transmitted by international news agencies showing semi-naked and blindfolded civilians being carried on the back of a military truck on the outskirts of Beit Lahia, located in the far north of the Gaza Strip.

After a 3-week follow-up of the Beit Lahia incident and similar incidents, the author of this investigation documented 3 cases in which the occupation soldiers committed sexual violations and harassment during their incursion into northern Gaza. The victims were a family man who was destined to be among the dozens of Palestinian detainees who were transported in Beit Lahia trucks, and a young woman who was arrested on... The barrier known as “Al-Halaba” that separates the northern Gaza Strip from its southern one, and a Palestinian family whose members were victims of an incident that was the first of its kind since the start of the war.

In the most prominent and dangerous violations based on feelings of racism and illusions of racial superiority, Israeli soldiers subjected a small Palestinian family to laboratory tests when they stormed Gaza City after arresting them and suspecting that their blond-skinned child, Mohammed, might be the child of one of the Israeli female prisoners whom Palestinian resistance men arrested on the day they stormed the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip. On October 7, 2023.

Rushdi Al-Zhaza and his wife Hadeel with their two children in front of their tent in Rafah (Al-Jazeera)

Source: Al Jazeera