“We still need to introduce a certain category of driver’s license - the “SIM” category. Open it to citizens from the age of 12 or 14, so that they have an incentive to grow up and pass their license to category “B” and so that they receive some little knowledge and understand that they have responsibility,” he said in an interview with Public News Service.

According to him, taking the courses will help familiarize citizens with their rights and responsibilities, as well as improve the culture of driving electric scooters.

“You can make some concession - if you receive the “SIM” category from the age of 12 and drive without accidents, then you can open the “B” category, for example, from the age of 16,” added Slavnov.

Earlier, the publication Vesti Podmoskovya reported that the rental season for bicycles and electric scooters had opened in Moscow.