Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: Nicolas TUCAT / AFP 9:27 a.m., March 25, 2024

Gérald Darmanin announced that “several” “XXL net space” operations are being launched this Monday throughout France. The objective is to fight against drug trafficking. In addition to Marseille, where Emmanuel Macron went last week, an operation will be launched in Dijon, and another in the Lille metropolis.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that "several" new "XXL square footage" operations against drug trafficking were going to be launched in France on Monday, including one in the Lille metropolis where he is going in the morning. In total, "three" new large-scale operations of this type will be launched, including one in Dijon, according to a police source at AFP. These operations come after that launched last Tuesday in Marseille by President Emmanuel Macron who visited the site.

“Unprecedented operation”

During his trip, President Macron promised that around ten operations of this type would take place in France in the coming weeks. “It is an unprecedented operation that we have launched, to put a stop to drug trafficking, to ensure republican order,” explained the head of state.


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According to the prefecture, 900 police officers, gendarmes and customs officers were mobilized on the first day of the operation in Marseille and Bouches-du-Rhône. Three days after the launch of the operation, 22 kilos of narcotics had been seized, 71 people taken into police custody, more than 385,000 euros in cash or assets and four weapons seized.