“So, according to surveys, 85% of young people believe that it is advisable to start a family before the age of 25. But only a third of girls get married at student age. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve a whole range of issues related to making a decision about the birth of a child. Among other things, it is necessary to establish the federal status of the student family,” she said in an interview with the Parliamentary Gazette.

According to her, there are already regional measures to support such families, but federal ones are also needed.

“And we are already working on a legislative definition of a “student family,” Kuznetsova added.

As the deputy noted, infrastructure also plays an important role, including for student families.

“We have repeatedly discussed this topic with the Ministry of Education and Science, and a decision has already been made to build family dormitories in the buildings that are currently being built. In addition, for students who have given birth to babies, it is necessary to provide the possibility of childcare,” she clarified.

Earlier it was reported that in Udmurtia they talked about social payments for the families of agricultural workers.