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Video duration 05 minutes 28 seconds 05:28

Libyan affairs expert at the International Crisis Group, Claudia Gazzini, said that the reconstruction of the city of Derna and its environs cannot take place in light of the political division between the governments of eastern Libya and the national unity in Tripoli.


This comes about 6 months after the flood disaster that swept through cities in eastern Libya due to Storm “Daniel” last September.

Also, after a third visit by the Libyan affairs expert to Derna a few days ago, and her review of the humanitarian and relief situation, reconstruction, and the return of the displaced.

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera Net, she provided a comprehensive description of the situation in the Derna region, whether with regard to humanitarian or reconstruction aspects, the political situation in the city, or the file of judicial trials.

The big picture...

Ghazini says that there is great sadness pervading the city, as every family is filled with pain from the loss of those who died or were injured, or even the material losses they suffered after this disaster.

  • There is sadness about the blurring of the scene in the city, and the lack of clarity about the future of reconstruction, restoration, or displacement to new complexes that are currently being built.

  • There is also sadness among the residents, due to their lack of participation in planning for the future of their city, as political decisions come from the top without discussion.

In depth...

The International Crisis Group expert visited the region 3 times in 6 months, the last of which was a few days ago, and she says:

  • The situation has changed a lot after 6 months of the flood disaster. Some roads have been opened, cars can pass, the rubble of demolished houses and traces of destruction have been removed, and the old city in the valley area (central Derna) - the most affected - has become somewhat clean.

  • Houses are being built in a new residential area that is not in the old city.

  • Claudia adds that this project is not entirely new, as work on it began since the late President Muammar Gaddafi, and work on it stopped in 2011.

  • People in Derna are wondering: What is the future of the ancient city, which is the heart and essence of Derna?

  • It is not possible to complete an integrated reconstruction project in light of the political division between the governments of eastern Libya and Tripoli.

  • Political decision-making and field control are in the hands of the eastern government, while the central bank and funds are in Tripoli.

  • There was a political consensus and a common vision between the two parties in the first days of the disaster, but the political conflict returned to the forefront after a few weeks.

  • We in the crisis groups submitted a report to those concerned, in which we demanded the necessity of a political and financial agreement between the two parties in order for the city to emerge from its crisis.

Personal responsibility..

Claudia Gazzini views the Libyan file as a special case in relation to the nature of the work of the International Crisis Group:

  • The group's field of work is not to provide recommendations related to natural disasters such as floods and others.

  • The group works on conflict files, conflicts and wars and provides recommendations for peace and ending these conflicts.

  • Libya is a special case, and I wanted to present my experiences at a time when information about the disaster was scarce and the picture was unclear.

  • The Derna floods are among the worst disasters that Libya has experienced. The last war in 2019-2020 did not kill 5,000 people.

Derna court considers the trial of those responsible for the collapse of the dams (International Crisis Group)

Criminal liability...

a Libyan affairs expert attended one of the trial sessions for those accused by the authorities of causing the disaster of the collapse of the Boumansour and Al-Bilad dams:

  • There are legal proceedings against 15 or 17 people on trial now.

  • The problem of dams in Libya is old and historical, extending back more than 50 years, since the construction of the Boumansour Dam in 1972.

  • During my last visit, I discovered documents indicating that the original project included building 3 dams in the region, so where did the third dam go?

  • For 40 years, the dam has not been working properly, and water is leaking from it.

  • Attempts were made to maintain and restore the dam, but the events of 2011 halted these projects.

  • ISIS was also in control of the area, and regular maintenance of the dams was not carried out.

  • The current judicial procedures are not sufficient, because they only seek individual responsibility, and I fear that this will be accelerated.

  • The International Crisis Group called for an international investigation - with Libyans participating in it - to determine the technical reasons for the collapse of the two dams.

International parties..

According to Ghazini, international work in Derna is limited to:

  • Charitable organizations affiliated with the United Nations or others, concerned with humanitarian work in health, drinking water and electricity.

  • These organizations provided cards to the displaced to obtain food during the recent period.

  • There is currently no humanitarian crisis in Derna, as most of the population’s needs are met.

  • The world views Libya as a rich country.

Claudia Gazzini currently works as a senior analyst for Libya at the International Crisis Group since 2012, and between October 2017 and March 2018, she worked as a political advisor to the Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, Ghassan Salamé, and issued many research and reports on security. Politics and economic governance in Libya.

It is noteworthy that last September, the Mediterranean Hurricane “Daniel” caused devastating floods in Libya, causing the death and injury of thousands, in addition to many missing people, and causing great destruction to homes, property, and facilities in coastal cities in the east of the country.

Infographic of catastrophic flood damage that struck eastern Libya (Al Jazeera)

Source: Al Jazeera