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Video duration: 01 minutes 45 seconds 01:45

Life changes in the streets of Pakistan when the holy month of Ramadan begins, despite the multiplicity of ethnicities in this Muslim-majority country. Customs specific to this holy month appear, the strangest of which is the “egg war.”

Under this custom, a war breaks out between soldiers whose weapons are brightly colored boiled eggs. It is an old and very popular game whose rules depend on one of the young contestants holding a boiled egg and hitting the other in his opponent’s hand with it with the aim of breaking it, so that the contestant qualifies for the next stage.

This game starts in the evening to keep people awake until suhoor time every night of Ramadan.

The egg war game has been played for generations in Pakistan, and one of the most famous Pakistani cities is Peshawar, and it is also a lucrative business for egg sellers during the holy month of Ramadan.

Source: Al Jazeera