Alvaro Carvajal Madrid


Updated Saturday, March 23, 2024-20:27




Yolanda Díaz

as "general coordinator" and hand over control of the direction of the new structures that are established from now on to her trusted team. These will provide training with instruments to better organize, bodies to make decisions and a model to implement territorially. The leader of Sumar has obtained


of the votes in a primary without a significant rival and in which the competition has been testimonial, since the only alternative was totally unknown and framed in the Balearic Islands.

The vote, in the context of the party's founding assembly, marks the milestone of being the first time that Sumar's supporters have the opportunity to speak out about Díaz's leadership. Something they could not do ahead of the general elections. However, this has hardly aroused the interest of those registered. Only


of the people called to vote have participated. It is a very low figure even though there was no incentive for real competition between lists.



of the around 70,000 people who have signed up on the Sumar website over the last year and a half have voted. This census will evolve from now on because a quota will be imposed on militants and will differentiate between those who pay and those who do not when participating.

Díaz has obtained

6,671 votes

, 81.5% of the total, compared to the 379 of the rival list led from the Balearic Islands by

Concepción Matarin González

, who has obtained 4.6%. This is reflected in the fact that Díaz's list takes 76 of the 80 management positions and that the alternative candidacy places four people.

The result shows that there was an 18.5% vote critical of Díaz, who not only expressed himself in the rival candidacy, but there were also 447 abstentions (5.4%) and 682 blank votes (8.3 %).

Sumar alleges that the mobilization has been "very positive" because the people who had signed up for the assembly to "actively participate" had been 14,196, despite there being more than 70,000 registered.

The low participation figure in Sumar warns of a mobilization problem. At least in this construction phase, when the vast majority of the militants of the parties involved in Sumar - IU, Más Madrid or Comuns, among others - have not yet made the transition to also join Díaz's force.

This marks an important difference with Podemos, which despite its process of decomposition and loss of influence, retains a highly mobilized militant base. The comparison with Sumar does not leave Díaz's team in a good place. In the primaries for the election of Irene Montero as a candidate for the European elections, there was a participation of 36,054 militants. On the other hand, the update of its political strategy was voted for by almost 31,000 people. And on June 9, when the crucial decision had to be made about the alliance with Sumar for the general elections, 52,829 people got involved in just 24 hours.

The Sumar vote took place this week electronically and the result was announced at the in-person assembly in La Nave, in Madrid. What is relevant is that Díaz placed 94% of his team in the Coordination Group - what in the PSOE is called the Federal Committee -, whose 80 members will lead the party along with the 37 positions appointed directly by the parties - who have one month term-.

In that team, Ernest Urtasun, Íñigo Errejón, Josep Vendrell, María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, Lander Martínez, Marta Lois, Elizabeth Duval, Paula Moreno, Esther Gil de Reboleño, Verónica Barbero, Pedro del Cura, Txema Guijarro and Guillermo Zapata stand out. In a month Díaz will reveal an Executive with many of these names, plus figures from IU, Más Madrid or Catalunya en Comú.

On the other hand, the votes of the political, organizational and ethical documents have been endorsed by the Sumar bases with percentages that range between 83% and 84%.