Beatriz Miranda

Updated Saturday, March 23, 2024-02:38

  • Relationships Commitment, infidelity, nanoseconds and forgiveness: this has been the relationship between Tamara Falcó and Iñigo Onieva

  • Wedding Tamara Falcó gets married (finally) after forgiving Íñigo Onieva's infidelity

  • Statements Tamara Falcó reveals that she is undergoing fertility treatment to get pregnant

It is no secret that

Tamara Falcó (42) and Iñigo Onieva (34)

want to be parents and the press does not stop asking them about the subject constantly, incurring an indiscretion from which, above all, she emerges successfully, always answering politely, winning heaven for his patience.

Tamara does not hide that she is in


and has spoken out about what her limits are when it comes to having a baby. She long ago acknowledged that

she was not going to freeze her eggs

out of respect for her religious principles. Hence, she has resorted to naprotechnology (acronym for natural procreation technology) to achieve her goal. What's more, she started undergoing this technique before her wedding, as she revealed, to save time. And today she is immersed in the process: in September the magazine Diez Minutos published some photographs of the couple leaving the Fertilitas Madrid Clinic, a pioneer in naprotechnology in Spain.

This center, which therefore does not support assisted reproduction, has been criticized for strictly accepting as patients couples - heterosexual, of course - married by civil law or by the Church, which describes as discrimination. "This is a criterion and requirement of the brand, of the American naprotechnology protocol, which in the case of

seeking pregnancy requires

a formal marital commitment

to optimize results. We also serve individually any woman with some type of gynecological ailment "says the director and founder of Fertilitas in Spain, Álvaro Ortega (29 years old), a close friend of Duarte Falcó, Tamara's little brother known for his anti-abortion activism. In fact, Álvaro presides over the

Más Vida foundation

, which Duarte vice-presidents.

To know more


Tamara, about her fertility treatment: "They told me to take it easy. I'm not overwhelmed at all"


Tamara, about her fertility treatment: "They told me to take it easy. I'm not overwhelmed at all"

With branches in

Valencia, Barcelona and Pamplona

, ​​"at Fertilitas," says Ortega, "we look for the causes of infertility to treat them medically. Many of the patients have the so-called 'diagnosis of unknown origin' and that is what we respond to." They do it through this method that was devised by the American Catholic gynecologist and obstetrician Thomas W. Hilgers in 1985 and which has the approval of the Church. The first clinic was sponsored by Pope John Paul II.

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cause of infertility is multifactorial

. In women, the most common causes are: endometriosis, polycystic ovary, hormonal dysfunction... In men, varicocele, hydrocele, hormonal disorder...", says Ortega. Asked about the age factor, which is key for the Spanish Fertility Society, the director of Fertilitas affirms that women over 35 years of age (his patients are on average 36) are informed of the increasingly fewer possibilities they have of staying pregnant "We are frank in revealing irreversible pathologies."

Creighton Method

Naprotechnology is based on the Creighton method, which consists of monitoring a woman's menstrual cycle daily with the aim of identifying possible alterations and performing tests on specific days to achieve an accurate diagnosis. "This allows us to prescribe a tailored treatment, with personalized doses based on the values ​​and information obtained. If any of the causes are organic, the

more precise naprotechnology surgery

will be indicated ."

Fertilitas, which had a turnover of more than one million euros in 2022 with profits of around 250,000, is approached by couples who do not want to resort to assisted reproduction for reasons of principle but also others for health reasons due to its

non-invasive techniques

. "There is concern about the side effects in women, but also in children. There are more and more studies on this."

In figures, naprotechnology is much cheaper than assisted reproduction, which has an average cost of 3,500 and 5,000 euros per cycle, with the most common thing being to undergo several until a pregnancy is achieved. "The first six months in Fertilitas you don't have to pay

3,000 euros for tests and diagnosis

. Afterwards there is a fee of about 120 euros per month for follow-up," says Ortega, who denounces the "between 30,000 and 50,000 euros of the average expense per pregnancy in assisted reproduction" while boasting that they have achieved about 650 pregnancies out of "the between 1,000 and 2,000 couples that we have cared for."

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Indeed, the key is

success, not inconsiderable but less than that of assisted reproduction

. Ortega refers to a study by Dr. Stanford published in 2008 with 1,072 couples with an average age of 35.8 years. "Pregnancy was achieved in 35.5% at 12 months and in 64.8% at 24 months." In IVI, however, they point to a 94% success rate for the third attempt at in vitro fertilization.

"Naprotechnology renames something that was already in the books, the Creighton method is still a mixture of the traditional ones, Billing, basal temperature, the appearance of cervical mucus, etc.," says

the gynecologist and medical director of Ginefiv Joaquín Llácer

. "We all approach reproductive medicine from the scientific method. In conventional centers we also adapt to the ethics of each patient. We do not always resort to assisted reproduction, it is not exclusive," he maintains. "The fight against infertility is against time. The success of naprotechnology is that it has been able to position itself in a conservative audience target."