Europa Press Madrid


Updated Saturday, March 23, 2024-1:30 p.m.

  • Bildu Poll soars in Álava and could add up to 9 seats and would surpass the PNV in Euskadi, according to EiTB

Bildu's spokesperson in Congress, Mertxe Aizpurua, considers that the PSE-EE "should" be prepared to facilitate a Government led by the nationalist coalition, a possibility that she believes will become a reality "sooner rather than later."

"Perhaps there are things that are not yet fully accepted within what should be a democratic policy and democratic respect, perhaps there are even more fears, but I think that perhaps not right now, but it will not take long for those to be accepted." governments and that possibility," said Aizpurua, in an interview with the

National Radio



, collected by Europa Press.

The leader of the Abertzale coalition has given as an example the motion of censure approved by the socialists to give Bildu the mayor of Pamplona, ​​although they did not enter the government there, and has recalled that both forces do "co-govern" in other towns "and Nothing happens".

Aizpurua admits that the "media pressure" would be greater if this possibility occurred in the Lehendkaritza but he sees it as feasible for the socialists to dare to take that step "later on." "It will happen, it will happen in any case and I think sooner rather than later," he emphasizes.

The spokesperson has been convinced that Bildu will be the winner of the April 21 elections, although she assumes that the PSE-EE and PNV are determined to try to renew their government coalition. "They have an agreement by which if they can, they will govern, but it remains to be seen what happens," she says.

Asked if Bildu could support the PNV if it is positioned as the first force, Aizpurua acknowledges that the thesis that the list with the most votes governs may be "an option", but that for its formation it would only apply if the force with the most votes is "progressive."

"But I am convinced that we are going to have very good results not only because the polls say so but because people need a change" after "decades" of the same "way of governing."

Whatever happens and if there is finally a reissue of the PNV-PSE bipartite, Aizpurua guarantees that Bildu will continue to act with "responsibility" in Congress, facilitating the governability of Pedro Sánchez's Executive because its "absolute priority" is that "the right does not govern ".

"In life and in politics you have to have few principles, but they are very well-established and remain firmly attached to them," he said, advancing that Bildu would maintain that commitment even in the event that the socialists and penuvists resorted to the votes of the PP. to be able to govern Euskadi.

At this point he recalled that the three parties had already joined forces to snatch the Presidency of the Guipúzcoa Provincial Council from Bildu, where the Abertzale coalition had the most votes. "These issues have not affected us, we know very well what is important and what decisions must be made," he stated.

Finally, asked if you were surprised that the PNV is talking about ETA during this pre-campaign - reminding the leader of Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, of his past in the terrorist group or accusing the coalition of not cleaning graffiti in support of the organization in towns in which he governs--, Aizpurua has indicated that he is no longer "surprised by anything."

Of course, from his point of view "it is not very intelligent" nor does it make "much sense" for the PNV to resort to the "ETA wild card" which, as he has said, is used outside of the Basque Country when one does not want to talk about it. what things.

"That the PNV uses it also shows that they have very few arguments and that they are very afraid," he slipped. "That phase is already over, it is no longer used here because it has no returns. If they do it they will see," he added.