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Former President and renewed presidential candidate Donald Trump in Florida: Unorthodox rezoning

Photo: Giorgio Viera / AFP

Donald Trump was the first president in US history to be indicted under criminal law in multiple trials. He has now been convicted of financial fraud, sexual abuse and defamation and has been sentenced to fines totaling a staggering sum of more than half a billion dollars. However, the ex-president cannot raise the money and, according to his lawyers, Trump cannot provide the required security deposit of a good $454 million for bail.

Now Trump's campaign team wants to reallocate donations - and has invited people to a gala in Florida. A corresponding new fundraising agreement between Trump and the Republican National Committee calls for donations to be used for his campaign and a political action committee that will pay the former president's legal fees. This comes from an invitation for donations that has been received by several US media and agencies. The unorthodox method is intended to enable Trump supporters to send money to the lawyers.

Specifically, it's about a fundraising gala on April 6th in Palm Beach, Florida. The small print there states that of the donations received, the first 6,600 US dollars should flow directly into Trump's election campaign. Anything left over from the donation, up to a maximum of $5,000, should then go to the “Save America” fund. The fund has already been used to pay legal fees for Trump in the past. If there is more left over, the remaining donations will go to the Republican National Committee.


Already on Wednesday, the Republican presidential candidate's campaign team was soliciting donations for the penalties imposed - and closely linked Trump's trials to the election campaign. “KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF TRUMP TOWER!” said a message to Trump’s supporters. There will be contributions from 20.24 to 3300 dollars.

It is unclear whether the rezoning will work. US law prohibits using campaign funds for personal expenses. However, Trump has already been able to use donations to cover some of his legal fees on the grounds that his defense is campaign-related.

However, it is not legally possible for Trump to use the donations directly to pay a fine or bail. In any case, it is unrealistic that so many donations would come together to even come close to the required sum of a good 454 million US dollars.

Trump has already filed an appeal in the New York fraud trial. In order to prevent his property from being confiscated, Trump must either deposit the sum himself or provide security. The deadline for this is Monday, March 25th. A few days ago, Trump also provided security for $96.1 million in connection with the libel case against writer E. Jean Carroll. Trump has denied all allegations in both cases.
