Europe 1 9:35 a.m., March 18, 2024

Éric Zemmour, president of Reconquête!, was the guest of La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews on Monday.

Faced with the debates around Israel's response, the former columnist returned to recent events within Sciences Po Paris at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk.

This Tuesday, March 12, around a hundred students occupied the main amphitheater of Sciences Po as part of a “day of European university mobilization for Palestine”, which blocked the holding of a lecture.

A UEJF student was “prevented from accessing the amphitheater” where the action was held, and “accusatory remarks” were made from the platform against the student association, denounced Sciences Po on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

Éric Zemmour, president of Reconquête!

wanted to return to this event.


Find La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews in replay and podcast here

“The Sciences Po that I knew is dead”

"When we talk about Sciences Po, I have a little pang in my heart because I went to Sciences Po in the 1970s. I come from my 18th arrondissement, from an authentically working-class neighborhood, and for me, it "It was the consecration. I arrived in the school of the bourgeoisie. That's what it was in the 1970s. And I arrived through republican meritocracy," declared the 65-year-old politician.

"We must understand that the Sciences Po that I knew is dead. He was killed 20 years ago by Richard Descoings. He was replaced by an Islamo-leftist ZAD. We first discriminated positive for people who came from the suburbs. My whole family was in the suburbs, I never had positive discrimination and I had the entrance exam. Afterwards, we removed the competition for everyone and now, we make people look good politically,” added the president of Reconquête!

during the Great Europe 1-Cnews interview.

An “institutionalized” wokism

For him, the problem at Sciences Po comes from the fact that Wokism has been institutionalized in teaching.

“We also study gender theory. At Sciences Po, the level has collapsed,” insisted Éric Zemmour.

According to him, we must restore the principles of academic excellence which have disappeared and postpone the entrance exam.

“We must also remove woke teachings on gender theory. You know that today at Sciences Po, there is a Hijab Day so that young women, even those who are not Muslim, can come in hijab. There is a Queer Week to get used to queer and LGBT practices,” reported the candidate for the last presidential elections. 

“The more you put people from Muslim lands in contact with our leftists and our Mélenchonists, the more it gives us our current society,” concluded Éric Zemmour.

The latter is not the only politician in the country to criticize the fact that Sciences Po is becoming a benchmark for Islamo-leftism.

“Sciences Po cannot become an Islamo-leftist bunker,” thundered Senate President Gérard Larcher on France 2.