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Video duration 03 minutes 41 seconds 03:41

German professor Ingo Frobusse warned of the danger of belly fat to health, as it enhances inflammatory processes in the body on the one hand and raises the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease on the other hand.

The professor at the German Sports University in Cologne explained that these serious health risks rise from a waist circumference of 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women.

Waist circumference can be measured with a tape measure, which is placed in the area between the ribs and pelvic bones.

The German professor stressed the need to take measures to combat belly fat when approaching these values, as one should follow a healthy diet based on fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products, while reducing fats, sugars, and white flour products, and staying away from ready-made foods and fast food. .

It is also necessary to continue exercising, taking into account combining muscle-strengthening exercises such as weight lifting and endurance sports such as walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming.

Source: German