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Veterans Office in Berlin

Photo: Marco Rauch / dpa

Almost like in the USA: Germany could also soon have a Veterans Day.

The “Rheinische Post” reports that in future the former soldiers of the Bundeswehr will be thanked on June 15th every year.

“The date was chosen as a joint compromise by the democratic factions in the Bundestag from a whole range of possible days,” said Union faction vice-president Johann Wadephul (CDU) to the newspaper.

Accordingly, there should already be a joint draft for an application from the traffic light coalition and the Union to the Bundestag.

It says that Veterans Day should be established "in order to appropriately honor the service, commitment and achievements of the soldiers of the Bundeswehr who are and have been deployed."

It should also be celebrated “publicly and visibly in the middle of society and centrally in Berlin”.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz had already spoken out in favor of such a day last year.

more on the subject

  • Following the American model: Germany should apparently get Veterans Day

  • Recognition for military members: Scholz speaks out in favor of Veterans Day

  • Germany's two percent promise: What comes after the Bundeswehr special fund?

    The traffic light has no planBy Matthias Gebauer and Marina Kormbaki

“It is important to show recognition and gratitude to those who have served in the armed forces,” said Wadephul.

This applies to all over ten million people who have ever worn the uniform of the Bundeswehr.

"But above all for the veterans who were deployed and experienced hardship and deprivation, some also suffering and wounding in body and soul." According to Wadephul, the background to the date is that on June 15, 2019, the veteran's badge, donated by the Veterans' Association in 2013, was presented for the first time was awarded to then Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU).

The Bundestag's military commissioner, Eva Högl, is also pleased about the plan.

“The establishment of a Veterans Day, which I already called for in my most recent annual report, makes our veterans more visible in society and shows them the appreciation they deserve.” Such a memorial day makes “an important contribution to building a veteran culture in Germany and thus for better recognition of the military profession as a whole.«

Högl wants to “closely” accompany the discussion process in parliament on the cross-party motion.
