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Video duration 00 minutes 58 seconds 00:58

There is a method that may help protect against chronic diseases and prolong life expectancy, which is to restrict the number of calories consumed daily, that is, eating smaller amounts of food through fasting.

Writer Osman Muftioglu explained, in a report published by the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, that reducing the amount of food we consume would reduce insulin levels and the so-called “insulin-like growth factor-1” (IGF-1), and this reflects positively on health.

Scientific data show that one of the ways to increase the quality and duration of life is “eating smaller amounts of food and drink, and if possible, fasting for 12 to 16 hours a day.”

The writer emphasized the health benefits of fasting, including activating the “autophagy” process, which is a process in which the body cleans itself and renews cells.

This contributes to strengthening the immune system and improving health in general.

When calorie consumption is reduced for a specific period of time and continuously, this not only relaxes the digestive system, but also stimulates many vital processes in the body, especially at the cellular level.

During the process of autophagy, the body's cells feed on aging cells.

When we fast, hungry cells activate autophagy processes, and in the end, our bodies get rid of accumulated waste and toxins, according to the author.

Source: Hurriyet