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Video duration 01 minutes 27 seconds 01:27

The people of the Sultanate of Brunei - Dar es Salaam - adhere to many Islamic customs and traditions, as the Islamic country, which is considered among the richest in the world, takes the first day of the holy month of Ramadan as an official holiday in the country.

One of the strange customs in Dar es Salaam is that the non-Muslim people of the Sultanate continue to welcome the month of Ramadan, and participate with Muslims in fasting, out of respect for the Muslim majority of the people, and as a nice indication of the success of social coexistence among them.

One of the strange Ramadan traditions in the Sultanate in this holy month is the presence of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah - ranked the richest king in the world - to the Grand Mosque, and personally participating in preparing suhoor food for the worshipers, after enjoying the religious celebrations with his ministers and the general public.

Source: Al Jazeera