Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Sunday, March 17, 2024-00:18

She was the queen of mornings on television for 18 years.

She now, she fights in the afternoons with her


, not


, to be queen again, but now she sees the afternoons.

Ana Rosa Quintana would resurrect a classic, Un, dos, tres, but she would not be Mayra Gómez Kemp.

What do you sing in the shower? Extreme. What book have you not been able to finish? It has been difficult for me but I won't continue reading if I'm not interested.

A lot, I don't have much time. What movie or series always makes you cry?

Little Women


Pretty Woman


The Holidays


Out of Africa

...And which one makes you laugh?

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel


The Golden Girls

...What musical would you like to star in?

We will rock you


Mamma Mia


The Phantom of the Opera


The Sopranos


The Serranos


The Sopranos

. What was playing in your parents' car? Maria Dolores Pradera. What work of art would you steal from a museum? It would be Lupine. A book to give as a gift?

A Gentleman in Moscow

, by Amor Towles;


, by Haruki Murakami.

The one I have recommended the most:

A gentleman in Moscow

. Popcorn at the cinema, yes or no? No. Vinyl, CD or Spotify? Now Spotify.

Save me


Know and win?



.A comic that is worth it must...Have intention.What song would you like for your funeral?I prefer to fulfill the musical wishes of others for that moment.Which actor/actress would you choose to play your biopic?The

Morning series


, with Jennifer Aniston already represents me, I feel reflected.. Ana de Armas, Blanca Suárez...TikTok or teletext?TikTok.What video game left you zombie?Super Mario Bros.Batamanta or triquini?Triquini.Which one Is your most used emoji? The one with the heart. What cultural product would you take to a desert island? A book. The last time I went to the theater... To see


de Lolita.

Who would you put as Minister of Culture? Someone who is cultured, loves culture without prejudice or sectarianism, that is, not a politician.