Arcadi Sword

Yaiza Santos

Updated Saturday, March 16, 2024-00:02

What does Sánchez lose with the call for elections in Catalonia?


Vacationing from power, the president has no problem with aborting the budgets.

Between election and election, he has already planted himself in 2025, while Spain, and its catastrophic productivity, loses another year.

In principle, the call benefits ERC, although everything depends on what happens with Puigdemont.

The fugitive has said that he will return, but will he be able to do so without being detained?

It depends on the decisions of the Supreme Court, with the shameful law approved.

The worst that could happen, in any case, is that he wins the Salvador Illa elections.

This may be the time for Ciudadanos to bounce back.

As for the PP, is there anyone there, apart from Alejandro Fernández?

Yes, there is a man who is telling his experience of changing sex with the trans law! Juan Soto Ivars warned him.

He is not a journalist, mind you, but a YouTuber: Javier Rodríguez, alias Inocente Duke, is now called Vida Rodríguez and, naturally, the first thing he did was enter a girls' locker room.

This story, like that of Corporal Roberto and his 36 companions today, should not make us forget, however, that the very serious stupidity that inundates us is built on real personal dramas.

He spoke about Caetano Veloso, Bill Buford and José Luis Sampedro, and did not want to say goodbye without criticizing Marlaska, who with his small gesture of not calling Vidal-Quadras portrays the moral state of the country.

And that's how Espada went.



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