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Video duration: 08 minutes 26 seconds 08:26

At a time when voices calling for American intervention to end the Israeli crime in Gaza were getting louder, US President Joe Biden - in his State of the Union address last week - surprised the world with his intention to establish a military naval pier on the coast of Gaza, aiming to deliver humanitarian aid to the stricken Strip.

This vague idea raised many questions, especially about the true purpose of this dock, and why would it be “easier” to establish it than bringing aid in by land through the crossings leading to the Gaza Strip, which are closed by political decision?!

The third episode of Al Jazeera Net Panorama tried to shed light on the most important information leaked regarding the Gaza pier, the questions raised by its idea, and how politicians, analysts and experts commented on it, to provide the follower with a comprehensive briefing on this important issue.

Source: Al Jazeera