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Video duration 03 minutes 44 seconds 03:44

Occupied Jerusalem -

Thousands of West Bank Palestinians were able, for the first time since last October 7, to reach Al-Aqsa Mosque to perform the first Friday prayer of the month of Ramadan.

Al Jazeera Net conveys the feelings of some of the worshipers in the mosque, who responded to the Israeli conditions imposed on the worshipers, most notably old age.

Worshipers coming from the West Bank spoke of strict procedures, difficulties at Israeli checkpoints, and checks on the identities of passers-by.

The occupation army announced - last Monday - the imposition of stifling restrictions on the entry of Palestinians from the West Bank into the city of East Jerusalem to perform Friday prayers during the month of Ramadan, most notably that it will allow only men over the age of 55 and women over the age of 50 to enter.

West Bank residents are not allowed to cross checkpoints and enter Jerusalem except to a limited extent, and often for the purpose of treatment in the city's hospitals.

All checkpoints around East Jerusalem have been closed by Israeli security forces to West Bank residents since the outbreak of the war on Gaza on October 7th.

Source: Al Jazeera