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Video duration 06 minutes 04 seconds 06:04

Occupied Jerusalem -

 On the top of the Mount of Olives in the city of Jerusalem stands Al-Zawiya Al-Asadiyya, consisting of a mosque and attached residences. It was built in the year 1023 AH when Sheikh the jurist Muhammad Al-Alami, who came from the Kingdom of Morocco, wanted to settle in the city.

Among the landmarks of the corner are marble tiles bearing information about the place, its annexes, the years of its establishment and those responsible for it, and below it is the burial place of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Alami and his wife Aisha.

The Al-Alami family still lives in Al-Zawiya, and it is an Islamic endowment to this day.

Maqdisi lawyer Nazih Al-Alami - who is currently in charge of the zawiya endowment - talks to Al Jazeera Net about an inherited story and the establishment of the zawiya, which was a vision of the then Mufti of the Ottoman Sultanate, Asaad Pasha.

Today, scholars are known for their fame due to their affiliation with a family of the Prophet, and they are known for their knowledge and asceticism, and one of their most prominent figures is Abd al-Salam bin Mishish, who is buried in Jabal al-Ilm in northern Morocco.

Source: Al Jazeera