In response to issues surrounding the political funding parties of factions within the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komeito Party has set up a working team to consider amending the Political Funds Regulation Act, and has established a ``linked party'' system in which members of the Diet will also be held responsible if there are false entries in income and expenditure reports. We have begun discussions on system design for the introduction of a new system.

At the beginning of the first meeting of the working team set up by Komeito, Secretary-General Ishii, who chairs the committee, said, ``Next month, a special committee will be established in the House of Representatives to discuss political reform, and this will serve as a forum for discussions on measures to prevent recurrence.'' "We are assuming this. The party would like to consider it in detail."

At the meeting, issues related to legal development and system design were discussed in line with the party's reform plan, which includes the introduction of a "joint party system" that would make Diet members responsible if there is a false statement in the income and expenditure report. We confirmed that we will proceed with the investigation.

Furthermore, regarding the accounting treatment of political organizations led by Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Motegi, opposition parties have pointed out that ``the collected money is transferred to political organizations with lax disclosure standards, going against the goal of improving transparency.'' In response, we decided to discuss how to respond to similar cases.

The working team hopes to finalize their ideas for law reform next month.