The Europe 1 editorial team 10:53 a.m., March 15, 2024, modified at 10:53 a.m., March 15, 2024

Every day, two columnists present the essential information you need to know about culture: the latest music news, literary or cinema releases, new plays and series not to be missed... It's here!

Guest :

- Stéphane Guillon,

 actor, for the play “Unknown at this address” by Kressmann Taylor, adapted by Michèle Lévy-Bram and directed by Jérémy Lippmann.

At the Théâtre Antoine in Paris from March 12 to April 13

The titles of the column:

- “L’anamour” by Serge Gainsbourg

- “The Javanese” by Serge Gainsbourg

- “Reste en chien” by La Fouine ft Booba

- “Leave concrete” by Renaud

- “I had brains that made waves” by Jacques Dutronc