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CDU flag at the Konrad Adenauer House

Photo: dts news agency / IMAGO

It is the largest donation for the CDU so far this year: the entrepreneur Stephan Schambach gave the party a donation of 300,000 euros.

The German Bundestag shows the amount in its list of all party donations of more than 50,000 euros in the current year.

Accordingly, the donation was received on March 14th and was reported the following day.

Parties receive individual donations of this amount comparatively rarely.

In the whole of last year there were only two donations whose amount exceeded Schambach's current one - one went to the CDU and another to its sister party CSU.

It is not the first time that Schambach has donated to the CDU.

The e-commerce entrepreneur even donated a total of 370,000 euros to the party on two different occasions in the 2021 election year.

What's also interesting about Schambach's willingness to donate is who he didn't consider this time: The 2021 list also includes a donation to the FDP; the Free Democrats received 200,000 euros back in May - and thus in the run-up to the federal election.

The Liberals were able to enjoy a huge amount of donations at the time: they received a large donation of 750,000 euros from investor Georg Kofler and 100,000 euros from entrepreneur Tobias Hagenmeyer.

FDP Federal Treasurer Harald Christ speculated that “many entrepreneurs and citizens want to prevent Chancellor Baerbock from the Greens.”

Schambach seemed to see it similarly, he said about his donation to the newspaper "Die Welt" at the time: "The FDP represents civil and liberal values ​​in a special way and thus sets itself apart from the faith in the state of the other parties." Since the federal election, they have Liberals will no longer receive large donations from him.

Incidentally, Schambach's 300,000 euros for the CDU is not the largest donation so far this year: the BSW, founded by Sahra Wagenknecht, received almost a million euros in January.
