Efe Madrid


Updated Friday, March 15, 2024-10:34

The Civil Guard has arrested six people - five of whom have already been imprisoned - and is investigating another eleven for allegedly stealing more than 15 tons of olives in about twenty robberies perpetrated mainly on

rural farms in the Las Vegas region

, south of the Community of Madrid.

Within the framework of what is called

Operation Telones,

the agents have also

sealed a tank of 26,000 liters of oil

intended for sale and the fraudulent purchase of 60,651 kilos of olives has been identified.

In total, those involved obtained an

economic benefit of almost 100,000 euros with their activity,

the General Directorate of the armed institute has reported.

The investigation, carried out by the

agents of the Roca Team

, specialized in the rural world, began last January after receiving several complaints from farmers and field workers about the theft of olives and the numerous damages caused by the thieves.

The events were focused on the southern area of ​​Madrid, especially on large agricultural farms in the towns of

Morata de Tajuña, Valdaracete, Brea de Tajo and Torres de la Alameda.

The investigators managed to identify a group

of 17 people, of whom 13 were supposedly dedicated to committing

olive thefts.

The other four were received at an

oil mill located in Mondéjar (Guadalajara)

, where they carried out the illegal purchase and sale of the stolen olives for their subsequent oil production.

It was there where, after proceeding to its registration, the agents of the Nature Protection Service (Seprona) and the Guadalajara Agriculture Inspection

sealed several tanks with some 26,000 liters of oil intended for sale

, since their security system, Its health and waste management were obsolete and in precarious conditions.

They also detected, by comparing the delivery notes, that they had fraudulently purchased 60,651 kilos of olives - whose estimated market price is 96,329 euros - as well as a vehicle and various relevant documentation about the scheme.

With the arrest of six men and the investigation of another eleven people, the Civil Guard considers

the organization deactivated

, whose activity was limited exclusively to the theft of olives and which is accused of twenty thefts.

After being placed at the disposal of the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 1 of Arganda del Rey (Madrid), the judge has ordered the provisional imprisonment of five of the detainees.