In addition, according to a survey by the research center



71% of respondents do their work on weekends: of these, every weekend - 22%, once a month - 49%.

27% of respondents work on vacation.

The reasons for overtime are (multiple choice of answer options): a responsible position - 34%, another 22% noted the reluctance to postpone tasks so that the quality of work does not suffer, and additional tasks that should be handled by other specialists were noted by 18% of respondents.

Another 8% of respondents spoke about blurred boundaries of the working regime in the company due to remote work, perfectionism in completing work tasks was noted by 5% of respondents, problems with time management - 2%, and fear of dismissal was mentioned by only 1% of survey participants.

At the same time, according to the study, 58% of employees receive payments for overtime work, and 42% of respondents claim that they do not receive additional payments.

The survey was conducted among 2.3 thousand employees aged 18 to 55 years in all federal districts of Russia.