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Greta Thunberg accompanied by the police

Photo: Samuel Steén / TT / AP

Activist Greta Thunberg was taken away by police as she protested for climate justice in front of the Swedish Parliament for the second day in a row on Tuesday.

This is reported by the local news agency TT.

As on Monday, the 21-year-old Swede blocked the entrance to the Swedish parliament building together with other activists from the group “Fridays for Future”.

The demonstrators were initially carried away from the parliament entrance, including Thunberg.

The activist was then taken away and driven away in a police vehicle.

According to TT, a police spokesman confirmed that several people had been briefly questioned.

According to a statement, the primarily young activists wanted to use the campaign to draw attention to urgent social crises and the need for immediate and just change.

»This action is a resistance to the continuation of this deadly, unjust system.

The richest consume enormous amounts of resources, while large parts of the world's population cannot even meet their basic needs," Thunberg said in a statement.

The world is changing rapidly;

It is a democratic duty to actively shape the direction of change.
